Welcome to the CMBC  Virtual ClassRooms (VCR) Platform.

We are excited to be able to continue to do the work of the Kingdom, via the Virtual Classroom.

Please be sure that you review the “Schedule of Events” located top left.  You will find a list of all the virtual meetings and bible study classes.  The bible study classes are listed by age group and gender.

If you would like to have to a virtual classroom assigned for your ministry, department, or office, please complete this intake form by clicking this link  INTAKE FORM.

Those requesting use of the CMBC platform must first take the training class Accessing the Virtual Classroom”. All training classes are held virtually in VCR2 – Training room, hosted by Rev. Katherine Smith.  To find out when the next training class is being held or for other questions, please contact the Logistics and IT Support office at christian.education@communitymbc.org or call 972-230-4477 ext. 3648.


Rev. Katherine Smith