Our Humble Beginning
The Community Missionary Baptist Church was named and organized on February 14, 1993 under the leadership of our founding Pastor, Oscar D. Epps, Sr.
God gave Pastor Epps a vision that a church was needed in the suburban area to serve the cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Lancaster and Duncanville. After much prayer, Pastor Epps shared his vision with Reverend Chuck Gilbert and Deacon Barry English. They understood the vision and were willing to walk in faith with Pastor Epps to start a ministry that would be God-centered with a mission of winning souls for Jesus Christ.
The first service was held on February 14, 1993 at a Cedar Hill Elementary School in Cedar Hill, Texas. During this worship service, 18 people joined the church. After a very short period of time, approximately two months, everyone who had joined left the Church. Pastor Epps, his wife Belenthia, and their children continued to hold worship services. Several months later, he was forced to move the church service to his home located at 810 Bray Street in Cedar Hill, Texas. During the time Pastor Epps conducted worship services in his home, 28 people joined and they soon outgrew the living room; it was time to move again.
As We Grew
The gracious Pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church, Reverend Mike Simmons, offered his church’s fellowship hall at no cost to the Community Church. At this location (now occupied by Concord Baptist Church) the membership grew from 28 to 97 members. The Community church family held worship services at Hillcrest for more than two years leaning and depending on The Lord. After the Concord Church purchased the Hillcrest Baptist Church facilities, Community re-located to the DeSoto Civic Center where growth continued both numerically and spiritually. With such growth came more responsibilities and greater demands on the Pastor and the membership. After a morning worship service, with a leap of faith, Pastor Epps informed the congregation that the church would soon make another move. It was a giant leap of faith.
Stepping Out on Faith
On Sunday, October 5, 1997 at 7:15 a.m., escorted by the DeSoto Police Department, Community made the faith move to 901 E. Parkerville Road in DeSoto. The Community Church family, DeSoto City officials, and friends caravanned for three miles to our new location.
As God continued to bless Community, our membership grew to over 1100. Due to continuous growth, our new facility soon underwent expansions to accommodate added ministries and staff. During the nine years at the Parkerville location, we expanded to three worship services in order to effectively minister to the membership. It became inevitable that it was time to build a larger facility that would provide accommodations for our ministries. While plans were being developed to build a new facility, our sovereign God lead us in a different direction.
God Continues to Bless and Direct our Path
In March of 2006, God blessed us to purchase the Rolling Hills Church of Christ located at 115 W. Beltline Road in DeSoto, Texas. After several months of extensive renovations to the sanctuary and other areas of the 54,000 square foot facility, the Community Church family moved into their new home on December 3, 2006.
God has continued to bless Community Church numerically and spiritually. We are currently conducting two worship services each Sunday (7:30 am and 9:45 am).
We give God all the Thanks and the Honor for where He has brought us from and where He is leading the Community Missionary Baptist Church of Desoto. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!