C.M.B.C. Communications Database

Thank you for choosing to become a part of the C.M.B.C. mass communication database. This communication database has replaced any previous forms of electronic communications for the church. If you have previously submitted your email address it will not be transferred and you will need to create a new profile with the new system. Once you have created your profile you will be included to receive all communications regarding you as a member of the church body as well as any ministries that you are a member of. The forms of communications will include text message, e-mail and voicemail. The information you provide will only be used for C.M.B.C. records to contact you with vital church information.

When creating your profile please select "member" as the user type and be sure to check the text message box to receive text messages. All members creating a profile will have to check the CMBC Congregation group and all other ministry groups that you are a part of.

After your profile is created you will receive login information to to keep your member profile updated. However you won't be able to change the ministry information of your member profile, this will be done through a roster that is maintained by each ministry leader. Therefore, when joining a ministry please make sure the ministry leader has added your name to ministry roster as well as making sure it is removed if you decide to leave that ministry.

If you have children or youth please select that ministry group as well so that you will receive the communications from those ministries. If you have any questions, please email Bro. Terrance Hill at terrance.hill@communitymbc.org

Notice: Only create a member profile if you are age 18 or older, all others will be deleted from the database.

Click here to create your profile