Quarterly Utility Assistance

Learn more about our Beat the Heat Program

Check out the upcoming 2024 Beat The Heat event!

Please share this information with friends and family members that may qualify.

 When: March 20, June 12, September 18, and November 13.

 Who is utility assistance for? Senior's 60+

 Utility service provided: TXU, Ambit & Atmos gas, and Texas Utility Help for other providers


Clients need to bring the following to get help:

The following must be provided for ALL household members requiring assistance:

•  Identification card

•  Utility bill (electricity, gas, propane, water, and/or wastewater bill)

•  Income documentation such as award letters or paystubs for each member of your household

Additional documents required for Texas Utility Company Help for ALL household members:

•  Proof of citizenship or legal residency

•  Documentation showing the utility is disconnected, under threat of disconnect, past due,  or is a current bill

Please share with church members, family, and friends. REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO BE 60+ and follow the above guidelines.