A Gathering of Women

Welcome! We look forward to working with you in ministry! The Women’s Ministry is a Ministry of Women devoted to the service, function, and mission of the church by promoting the spiritual growth and development of all CMBC women. In addition to actively encouraging and supporting all women, we endeavor to edify the body of Christ and greatly contribute to the advancement of the kingdom of God. The foundation of this Ministry is built on the collective effort and work of women through Worship, Fellowship, Teaching and Discipleship, Mission and Evangelism, and Stewardship. On this foundation, we will achieve spiritual growth and maturity that will expand and extend the commissioned work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As you explore the Women’s Ministry Menu you will find areas in which you are gifted and chosen to ”work out your salvation.” There are still seeds to sow, planting to be done, crops to be nurtured and cultivated, and harvest to be gathered. As we gather and grow, reach every woman, unify in heart and purpose, to do the work of the Lord, may God be praised and glorified!

We are excited about this work and interested in your ideas about ministry and what we can do together as we venture into the fieldwork of the church.

Please contact us at womensministry@communitymbc.org.

Women’s Ministry Leadership & Foundation

Meet your Women’s Ministry Leadership Team…

Team   Foundation Events & Activities
Àlene Denson
Chair, Women’s Ministry
Stewardship Treasure, Time, and Talent
Spiritual Gifts, Growth & Development
Archival History - Women’s Journey
My Sista’s House
Denise Plair Teaching & Discipleship Women’s Studies
Women’s Conference
Cheree Carter Worship

Consecration – A Living Sacrifice
Women’s Day

Perita Pradia Fellowship Sisters’ Breakfast
Sisters’ Retreat
TiJuana Lawrence Mission & Evangelism Benevolence
Prayer Ministry